February 26, 2011

Not That Guy - JRR Tolkien Estate Strikes Again (part 2)

I wanted to write even more about the Tolkiens yesterday but ran out of time due to the encroachment of dinner.
Yesterdays story reminded me of another past abuse of the copyright holders IP claim.

Fifteen whole years ago a Russian scientist, yes scientist, wrote an alternative history to the lord of the rings title. After spending a considerable amount of time methodically analysing the series for a university project, Krill Yeskov, decided to tackle the question of what the war looked like from the other sides perspective. We all know that the victors write the history book in the real world so why can't this be true in Tolkiens universe?

139,000 words latter he had written a book titled "The Last Ring Bearer". The book casts Mordor as realm going through the pains of a recent industrialization. Suffering from food shortages, and surrounded by hostile feudal territories... well you know, shit happens and all.

So it is written in Russian and just recently has been translated into English. Distributed for free you can download it as a pdf. And surprise surprise the Tolkiens are lashing out. Not that they're in the wrong, copyright laws in Brittain, the U.S. and even Canada are on the Tolkiens side in word, but it defies the spirit of the laws. These laws  are meant to stop the authors from losing sales due to the sales of illegitimate copies but laws are hard to make and so in protecting copyright holders from abuse we've unintentionally given them caveats to use and abuse themselves. The Tolkiens are a result. As a result a person own creative work, non-commercial product, that does not hurt the franchise in any way is being given the boot.

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