February 25, 2011

Not That Guy - JRR Tolkien Estate Strikes Again

Adam Rakunas from Giro.org posts news of yet another act of villainy from those whose name apparently can't be said least we be sued for copyright infringement. Yes its the Tolkien estate, those family members that represent the creative works of the deceased J.R.R Tolkien.

So what  are they up to this time? Well as a joke Adam Rakunas expressed his sentiment for the Tolkien franchise with some custom made button's. A conversation with a friend  Madeline Ashby inspired him to create a a set of buttons proclaiming "While you were reading Tolkien, I was watching Evangelion.".  He mostly passed them out at cons and to friends. Ashley, hoping to buy herself a beer someday started selling them on her website for a mere 2.45$ each. If at his point you are like myself and are thinking "I must get myself one of those buttons!", well you are too late. Those representatives of the late J.R.R Tolkien do not approve of the frivolous use of their intellectual property, "J.R.R. Tolkien". They stomped this idea out promptly with a cease and desist letter.

For her part Ashley has now removed the buttons from her site as their sales hadn't even managed to get her the fabled beer she had hoped for. Probably for the best, rumor was the Gainax legal team was simply going to deploy an N2-mine then take the idea for themselves.

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