January 20, 2012

SOPA withdrawn - PIPA to follow

Very happy to announce that earlier today Republican senator Lamar Smith withdrew the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) earlier today - effectively killing the bill. His reasoning was that the bill should be pulled while a better solution be researched.

Although I (jimmy tehfreak) don't completely stand against the bills intent to put an en dto movie, tv and music sharing by means of torrenting and other questionable means, my personal grudge with the bill was in its poor writing - and how it could be misconstrued into pulling down any website that uses copyrighted material, including content previously protected by the Millennium Act with protected use of copyrighted material for satirical or review purposes.

If SOPA had passed websites as small as ours, which play games and utilize material for consumer survey and review purposes, to large sites like youtube and facebook could have been pulled offline without due process. If someone said you were pirating - you were pirating - no judge, no jury, no appeals.

Huge day for the internet
Jimmy TehFreak

PS - stay tuned next week when I return home to give you another (albeit controversial) Long Story Short, as well as part 5 of the Playstation Move Marathon: Sports Champions competition. Also content relating to the NHL all star game and Freak N Nitro Radio will return.

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