July 25, 2011

Not That Guy - Dantalian no Shoka, Mawaru Penguindrum & No. 6

I have been away for the week out camping at a summer camp as an "Expert Scientist". Bahaha. I've been catching invertabrates, running water quality tests and building geodesic domes. What I wasn't doing was watching anime. I had to catch up on a weeks worth of anime this morning. It has been a good morning.

First lets start with the animes I hadn't yet reviewed.

Dantalian no Shoka

When I first started watching Dantalian no Shoka, I saw immediate parelles to Gosick. The simularities quickly fade as the episode developes its own character. The anime takes place in early twentieth century Europe, my guess is post world war I. A young man named Disward has inhertited his uncles mansion. In the basement is a curious young girl named Dalian, who, it is revealed, is the key to a forbidden library of demonic liturature.

I am afraid, but hopefully needlessly so, that this anime may not push out any original content. The premise is promising, but after a full episode (the intro to be fair) I saw nothing that really struck me as unique. Still I will continue watching this one for at least a few more episodes.

No. 6

I must admit I am behind with No.6, I have watched the first two episodes only. This anime has gotten a lot of attention. The gossip has focused mainly on the romantic connection between the two protagonists Sion and Nezumi. Yes they are both men, and yes this anime is better for it. Such is the skill of Atsuko Asono, a type of love affair that most of the world remains uncomfortbale with  appears natural and beutifull by the end of the first ep.

The art is fine, the plot is fine, though I expect the story will be given much more depth then at present. Overall this is a fine anime indeed.

Mawaru Penguindrum

I am still watching MP and still enjoying it. The penguins are cute as ever and the additional characters introduced are solid. Still do no know where this anime really is going though and many parts of the episodes have me scratching my head. I will continue to watch this no matter what.
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