July 25, 2011

Out of Order

Freak here,
Just wanted to thank everyone who has participated in our projects and I want to apologize for the HUGE bottlenecking of the content we have. We probably have enough videos already in mid-production to get us through 2011 - but that would not be fair to all those who have contributed - so I'm going to try to open the floodgates a bit and catch up.

Over the next 4 weeks we have Asylum Project videos with Jim Zintel, James Davidge, Scott Redding, Miriam Libiki and Denice Lefebre. We also have Playstation Move Marathon videos galore including We Dare with KittenDelicious. W4 has some projects coming up and I need to get through the queue so we can focus on some longterm projects to debut in the fall and winter.

So there will be more videos than usual coming up in the next month - please don't expect us to be able to pump this many out on a regular basis - this is in order to catch up and hopefully by halloween be back down to our 1 video + 1 podcast a week. It's a mess when you have bad people on the business end.. oh wait.. that's me.. I so need to fire myself.

Freak Out!

In the meantime, be sure to stay up to date in the anime society with Not That Guy's blog, which can be found by clicking this link

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