December 23, 2010

..and is now officially and utterly.. dead.

Freak here, just a bit of news.

We just finished up a couple of upcoming videos for the site.. and I guess sony got wise to me because all of a sudden my, and nitros, copies of vegas no longer work. I tried uninstalling and putting new copies on - but they won't recognize my serial code- and i am NOT paying $900 for another copy of Vegas 9 or 10.

The good news is this was AFTER the final render of two videos for the site - so there may be a bit of a hiatus while I get this worked out - at least on my end - neither NTG nor Nitro use vegas as their primary editors.

EDIT - forgot to mention that my camcorder is effectively dead as well. Christmas is a dark and scary time :p

Anyway, cupcakes - that is all.


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