February 24, 2013

Please Sign Our Petition (to save freakandnitro.com)

Please Sign this Petition

So most of the details are on the petition but freakandnitro.com is in trouble. Blip.tv has been hosting our videos since 2010 and we've supplied them with over 500 videos/podcasts/interviews/reviews, etc - to which they've been making advertising revenue on.

Recently, Blip has begun changing their policies - alienating existing users by hiding content creators from their search engine, removing distribution to vimeo, vodpod, youtube, etc; by limiting the number of uploads and ability to upload and schedule episodic releases ahead of time (which worked in our favor as Jimmy is often out of town working in camp - so he would get 4 or 5 shows done and schedule them to be released over the course of his work tenure so youd have content flowing regularily without huge gaps without content) - and most recently by declaring that they will delete accounts that they deem unworthy of blip.tv services.

We do reviews (not unlike The Spoony Experiment), have one minute movie summaries (not unlike Doug Walkers 5 second movies), offer audio podcasts (not unlike Transmission Awesome or LordKat), as well as walkthroughs and lets plays (not unlike Rooster Teeths Achievement Hunter) - and we've been deemed inappropriate content. Blip made sure we understood that they hav ethe right to make exceptions at their discretion - meaning the above mentioned creators are exempt because they've been more successful.

All of those creators at one point were small and had to grow their audiences.. blip has decided we aren't to have the same privilege. Please sign our petition asking blip to reconsider their decision and allow us to continue our mission to entertain you with reviews, skits and more.

Please Sign this Petition - without your support as our fans and viewers we may lose everything. Please don't let this dream die.

Jimmy TehFreak, Kellen Nitro, Khal and The RHBD Ken ----------
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