December 25, 2012

Christmas Wishes

Firstly, this was meant to be a video holiday message not unlike last years - but due to work schedules it was just translated to text. kellen Nitro0 - Merry xmas, happy holidays - wishing you the viewers of all of our products at a very happy and healthy end-of-2012, merry xmas, qwazy kwanzaa, happy festivus, whatever - and an awesome start to 2013. you guys rock, i'm looking forward to talking to and dealing with each and every single one of you... well maybe not every single one of you but you know what i mean, merry xmas - happy new year, all the best.. yeah Jimmy TehFreak - Special thanks and shoutouts to everyone who interacted with us this year, whether by just chatting with us or working with us - including but not limited to - Crystal Rodriguez of, the Fury's of the band Furia -, girlsandgreatswords and celebrities like DDP, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Jake the Snake Roberts, Christian Potenza, Sinn Bodhi, Tommy Tallarico and Mark Meer. Also our asylum interviewees Tina Moreau, Krista D Ball, Curt Pires, the folk at Fight! Comics, James Davidge and everyone who has helped us work towards doing what we love (this) fulltime. We have a lot planned for 2013 and hope you stick with us - be sure to always give us feedback on how to better entertain you and we will do what we can to keep you, our fans and viewers, happy. Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year. Ken the RHBD - ... ...i got nothing. ----------
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