August 22, 2012

Not That Guy - Tiger & Bunny ep 22

All right so I promised reviews and I will deliver. To be honest writing these reviews is about 400X better then FORTRAN coding, so certainly a welcomed break.

Tiger and Bunny:

I do not understand why so many people are hating this anime suddenly. This is pure action suspense. Cliff hangers at every episode. Those ending are leaving even its most patient followers distraught for next weeks airing. I can't wait for next weeks episode and I have so many deadlines dates this week that normally I'd be wishing that I could put the whole world in stasis.

So where are we at now? Our protagonist Kotetsu has been ostracized from hero TV. He's been framed for the murder of Barnaby's childhood caretaker Samantha. Not only that but nearly everyone has had their memory of Kotetsu modified and erased. Since they are the only people who know his true identity and considering Kotetsu (not tiger) has been accused of murder he has become a fugitive on the run.

On a the scale of entertaining, I must admit though, this episode falls behind the others. It focused primarily on Kotetsu running from the law, while the audience waited impatiently for him to figure out, at least partially, how he's been set up. Still there were some heavy revelations, specifically concerning Kotetsu's daughter Kaede. The last few episodes have shown that Kaede is developing her own super powers. Upon contact with other NEXT she acquires their ability. So when she hugged her father she gained super human strength, when she came in contact with an unknown NEXT she gained magnetic control (well she couldn't control it but it was there). (Also who is the magnetic NEXT that she came into contact with?). Upon hearing of her fathers dilemma she ran away from home to find him (she is like 12 or something). Who does she immediately run into? Yeah the antagonist. The anime did try to make it seem inconsequential. She was trying to find Barnaby to ask for help, and Albert was leaving the Hero TV administrative building, he is the chief of operations after all. However the consequence of their meeting escaped no one. From what I saw on the forums only one poor poster missed the fact that Albert tapped her the head, thereby transferring his powers to re write memory.

The episode concludes with Kotetsu getting his old school costume back from one of his few remaining allies. Saying he has a plan, he then assembles all the heros on the roof of nearby building and makes epic postures at them. Thus is the conclusion of episode 22.

Here are my predictions for the next two episodes (lets see how close I can nail it)

So far it has been revealed the Lunatic is aware of Kotetsu's true identity and is willing to help, at least partially. It is also painfully obvious that Kaede will get involved in some way or another to save the day. So this is my prediction for the last two episodes. Lunatic makes another appearance, though his identity will still remain unknown (in the anime). Perhaps he will even help save Kaede who will undoubtedly find herself in a position of danger as she tries to help her father. This will however weaken Kotetsu in some way, maybe he saves her from falling debris or something, using up his power. Just when everything seems lost, Kaede will accidentally come in contact with someone, my guess is either Bunny(Barnaby) or Blue Rose (Karina). Memories will be restored, Albert's crimes will be revealed and he will be captured and tried to justice. Before that however, Barnaby might face a moral dilemma. He will probably reach Albert first. There I propose two scenarios, either he will need to battle with mixed emotions and a desire to kill Albert or he will need to save Albert from Lunatic. In any case I hope Albert survives.

I would prefer not to have a the greatest cliche ending of all time. (Of the type, protagonist: "I should kill you right now", protagonists companion, "Stop [protagonist], you're better then him", protagonist "You're right..., well bring him to the authorities and let justice be served". Protagonist then lets his guard down and exposes his back to the antagonist. Antagonist takes opportunity to pull out some concealed weapon or sum his remaining powers and lashes out at protagonist. His life now on the line, protagonist kills the antagonist. He shed's some tears and the protagonists companion suddenly changes he's tune "You did what you had to do". and the camera rolls out silhouetting them against the setting sun, likely on some 'mid construction' sky scraper). I will murder someone if that comes to pass.

Anyways I also predict this will all go down in the next episode, with the last episode being dedicated to post climax cleanup. We shall see.

I am getting photos.
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