September 5, 2012

The Collection: NBA Baller Beats (360 Kinect) in Review

Apologies to all people of African descent for the following video's lame sense of humor.

The Collection is back! In this review - Jimmy TehFreak makes fun of bla.. err.. Inner City Youth Aspiring Basketball that doesn't work either.. dribblers.. Jimmy makes fun of dribblers..

UPDATE - the studio that created thsi game, HB Studios, has officially closed down their Halifax office and their headquarters. Since their closing release stated that the game is completed - it is expected that NBA Baller Beats will be released on time September 11, 2012 - and that the expected revenue of selling a total of 26 copies will be used to pay the parking metre for the repo truck.. yeah Jimmy still doesn't like the game :p

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Anonymous said...

Tell me how you really feel. Wicked vid.

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