October 30, 2011

Where Wrestling Went Wrong Presents: The Best and Worst Halloween Gimmicks Ever Part 1

W4 is our onrunning podcast series devoted to the Pro Wrestling and Sports Entertainment Industry. We tackle anything from major news, current events, and memorable moments in history of the sport.

In part 1, Kellen Nitro and Khal the Man About Town discuss some of the most enduring and most forgettable horror based wrestling gimmicks ever to hit the squared circle.

Jimmy TehFreak edits!
-The Inferno match actually happened four times in professional wrestling. 3 times in the WWF and once in WCW involving Vampiro and Sting. WWF had forgotten to copyright it, for the record.
-Nitro and Khal discuss the boogeyman and make a few inaccurate references. The truth is that Marty Wright tried out for the Million Dollar Tough Enough (TE4) and that season 4 had an age restriction of no more than 30 years of age - it was discovered that Marty Wright was 40 and was kicked off the show. Wright also did not openly mention this fact but was rather confronted by the judges for forging his documents and supplying the wrong age.

In Part 2, Kellen Nitro & Ken TheReddHead Bulldog discuss Different Halloween themed Pay Per Views of the past. Plus another look at some of the worst Horror based gimmicks of all time.

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