August 6, 2011

Not That Guy - Mayo Chiki!

As always, midway through the season I am directed to other hidden jems through the helpful comments of other anime lovers. This week I was directed to watch Mayo Chiki.

It is a funny anime and worth a watch.

The plot synapse is such:

Subaru Konoe is a high school student and butler to Kanade Suzutsuki a seemingly rich only daughter of the high schools principal. Subaru is also very, this needs to be emphasized, very much popular among the ladies. The crush of most highschool ladies, there is even a secret society devoted entirely to worshipping the hotness that is Subaru. It must be something about the kind manners and obedience to Subaru's "Master" that causes the attractiveness.

Enter Kinjirō Sakamachi. His most note worthy quality is that after years of being a punching bag to his mother and sister he has become rather adept at adsorbing punches, kicks and other types of physical abuse  (the ladies of his family are world class fighters and even take on bears from time time). He is mortally afraid of woman as a result however. It is Kinjiro who discovers Sabaru secret, Sabaru is a girl. The explanation is that it is a tradition for the Suzutsuki family to have a male butler. In order to remain the butler to her dear friend Kanade, Subaru must conceal herself as a man for the period of highschool. If her true sex is discovered she will be fired, shaming her family. It falls on Kinjiro to help keep the secret safe. Unfortunately for him half the school thinks he's gay and interested in Sabaru and the secret society of nasty stalker girls are plotting to cut his life short for stealing away their collective crush. That and his deathly fear of girls means this arrangment might just lead to his death.

But enough about the plot. What I can not get over while watching this is all the plot similarities to Maria Holic. Except Mayo Chiki is certainly less perverse and I am enjoying far more. It like they took a blender chucked Maria holic in and then this came out from the resulting paste.

Mariya Shidō
Subaru after landing a  punch

Lets start with the secret sexes. Mariya Shidō and Subaru Konoe.
To be the rightful heir of his family fortunes Mariya Shidō needs to go through high school as a woman (his sister does the same as a man in another school). Family honour is at stake.
For Subaru she needs to remain a male if she is to inherit the position of butler to the Suzutsuki family and continue her family tradition. Family honour is at stake!

One notable difference between the two characters is that Subaru (am I the only one that keeps seeing cars when I say this name)... anyways Subaru is generally a nice a respectable person. in fact romance will likely eventually bloom between herself and Kinjiro. Mariya on the other hand is pure evil incarnate.

Then there are the people who discover the cross dressers true identities. Kinjirō Sakamachi and Kanako Miyamae.


Kinjiro is a man mortally afraid of woman, who bleeds from the nose when touched, approached or merely suggested to be in the presence of woman.Since he can lose significant amounts of blood, sometimes leading to unconsciousness he avoids woman. As a result he is rumoured to be gay.

Boils forming from being touched
Blood from being touched

Kanako is closet lesbian who put herself into an all girl catholic school in the hopes of finding her true love. When she drops into her fantasies is touched, approached or in the presence of ladies (albeit only in sexual ways) she bleeds from the nose sometimes leading to hospitalization. Of course because she is in love with basically every lady in school she brings this on herself. She is however mortally afraid of men, and will break out into boils if touched by one (even if he is disguised ;).

Both of them end up recruited, in many ways unwillingly, to keep help keep the secret.

What else? Ah the maid and Kanade. Both kinda dress up like maids. However in one case one is la maid (Matsurika) and the other (Kanade) the master. Both are sadistic.


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