July 10, 2011

Not That Guy - Usagi Drop

The President of the Preservation of Traditional Art Society
Before I get started on Usagi Drop I want to talk about double-J. Its a new very short anime that I suspect is a learning program. None the less I am enjoying it and think it is worth tracking. At 4 minutes long, you will not lose anything significant by tuning in. Two girls have joined a high school club for the preservation of traditional arts, specifically Japanese traditional art. Each episode explains some "traditional" art, albeit very briefly. I certainly haven't left an episode feeling any smarter but it remains fun to watch. The animation is simple but elegant and the backgrounds are simply still photos. Still it is a pleasure to look at. The end credits are some of the most catchy 10 seconds I've ever seen. Give it a look.
The Ed on youtube is flipped horizontally, I suspect to avoid automatic blocking by google.

Now for Usagi Drop. 

Usagi Drop is could potentially be my favorite anime this season. Just saying that strait out now. I suspect it may have something to do with its focus on a demographic other then high school girls. Its nice to move in refreshing new directions from time to time. I learned a new term as well, this anime is classified as a 'slice of life'. Probably for its focus on relationships rather then a plot driven story line. 

Daikichi a 30 year old bachelor meets with his family for his grandfathers funeral. There he discovers that his grandfather, though passing at the age of 73 has a six year old illegitimate daughter named Rin. When no one expresses any desire to take responsibility for Rin and instead discus disposing of her in an 'instatution' Daikichi intervenes. Though he has no experience with children he takes Rin into his life.

I am unsure where this plot leads and despite there already being a manga and a live film of this I refuse to spoil it for myself. I suspect we will see a plot that is entirely character driven, and that the episodes will focus on the learning and developments between Daikichi and Rin. We have seen hints at humor in the first episode, and so I also suspect this to be a light slightly humorous anime.
The first episode was slow but set up a high potential for the following episodes. I am eagerly awaiting episode 2.

In terms of art, it was often plain. The anime does tend to provide plenty of scene cuts involving flowers and blowing leaves, which was a bit repetitious. On the other hand many scenes were given a look of being drawn with pencil crayons. Though I've heard complaints that this makes the anime look sloppy and poor, I thought it was well placed and gave a nice, although CBC'ish look (see here for a Canadian nostalgia blast, and here for the better example (take your toque off first ya hoser)....okay they are both water pastels and not pencil crayons but if it don't bring a tear to your eye then your a soulless person). 
The cut-scene flowers

The anime also has a cute ED and OP.

That is all.

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