July 6, 2011

Not That Guy - Summer Anime Season Reviewagansa!

Hello everyone!
Yesterday marks the end of a rather stressful 3 weeks after successfully presenting a sizable portion of my thesis results to my supervisor. So with that done and review on my mind, lets have a look at what went down in the anime world for the summer of 2011.

When we last looked at the summer season, (ei at the start of it) I had listed several promising anime. In fact the summer season looked to be a full fledged smorgasbord of awesome. Here's what I put on the watch list:

  • Tiger & Bunny
  • Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
  • Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san
  • Maria Holic Alive 
  • Steins Gate
Well how did they turn out? Lets start with disappointments and work our way up to impressive.

Maria Holic Alive

I only got four episodes in before I caved and gave up on this one. It was to be expected I guess. Season one was built to not have an encore. To put out a season two was unusual. In order to make a second season work, something amazing would have had to transpire, a combination of good writing, interesting art styling, maybe a couple a sacrificial goats even. But by the fourth episode, it was not clear where this anime was going and all the jokes were rehashes. A disappointment, although an expected one.

Steins Gate

This anime had its moments, and I feel bad putting it right next to Maria Holic. Still I only got 9 episodes in on this one before putting it down. Was it funny? At times. Did it have a plot? Yes certainly. So what knocked me off? This anime is a spin off of the Butterfly Effect if instead time was changed with text messages instead of brain hemorrhaging. A group of pseudo scientists make a microwave that sends sms's back in time, and only one of them can remember the changes that occur afterwards. With each time change, things only get more messed up. The inevitable conclusion I fear, will be Ashton Kutcher's fetus strangling himself. I can't bear to watch such crap again, no matter how remote the possibility is.  So down with Steins Gate.

Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko

Now into the good. Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, was a nice and at times cute anime. For those of us familiar with Shaft I can sum up its premise as such:  

Take the young boy Yasaka from Natsu no Arashi! (another good summer anime), and add in Nino from Arakawa under a Bridge, make them relatives, mix the plot a bit and voila you have Denpa Onna.

For the rest of us Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko which translates strait to "Electric Wave Woman and the Young Man", but translated for meaning would more appropriately be "The Youthful Man and the Woman with the Tinfoil Hat", is about a high school student who moves in with his Aunt and Cousin in a new town. Theres all the growing up and self discovery that comes with such a move. His increasing maturity is comically referred to as puberty points (which are added up or subtracted at the end of each episode). The catch of course is that his aunt is a bit of a pervert and his cousin Erio thinks she is a space alien. In addition the small harem that Makoto seems to have acquired (Ryushi and Maekawa) are rather quirky themselves. Don't expect a climax or any major resolution to the season, the anime finishes with Makoto being just a little bit more grown up from his new experiences in a slightly strange town. A nice relaxing anime.

Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san

The surprise and quite frankly excellent anime. It had God making dirty jokes... nuff said. My only complaint is each episode is only 15 minutes long, which with a good anime such as this, really flies by. The plot revolved around a young woman working in a detective agency as a assistant/detective (the actual detective didn't do much except provide comedic entertainment... he's a cruel cruel man). To help with the investigations they summon daemons. The daemon Azalzel can for instance bring out peoples lusts, and Beelzebub can make people reveal their true nature, (in addition to forcing them to defficate). There are a whole host of other daemons as well each with their own power as well. This anime spares no one from its comedy, peoples imperfection are exaggerated, the daemons are childish and needy, the angels perverted and porn addicted and God, there is nothing funnier then God. I highly recommend this soon to be classic anime. I am also certain there will be a second season. Too good for their not to be.

Tiger & Bunny

Pure awesome. Every episode was entertaining humorous and action packed. This is the anime that had me waiting impatiently for the next Sunday episode. It too will have an extra season (it just go another sponsor Amazon Japan). I've described this Anime three posts ago, to sum it up; Super heros who work for a TV show called Hero.TV. All their heroic deeds are taped and streamed on live TV for entertainment. I can not recommend this anime enough. It had all the right ingredients, good animation, great plot, great writing and the humor was top notch. By far the best anime I've seen this year.

So whats coming up this season? Well the new anime is streaming in slowly and it looks like we've got a few promising starts. I  haven't watched anything yet but here is a tentative list:

  • The new Appleseed
Uhh... that seems to be it at the moment really. Dang I dunno maybe Kani sama no Memo Chou? I'll get back to everyone on this. Man this season better pick up.

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