July 27, 2011

Not That Guy - Sugimoto Kousuke, Sing my Own Way

Edit: As I was writting the draft for this Sugimoto has realeased another work. Though not anime in nature it is cool none the less "100".

I came across the work of Sugimoto Kousuke through the recomendation of a now defunct comic "Nobody Scores". At the time Sugimoto had just realeased his animation "The TV Show". It featured a fast pace, colorful and brief story of several different TV channels and the choas that resulted from their combination. I do no know Bbolt came across that little animation. When I first clicked on it, only 40,000 views had been recorded. I'm glad he did find it however, and I'm especially glad that he shared this little gem. Simply put, I loved it.

It has been a year since "The TV Show" was originally realeased. Since then Sugimoto has created a handfull of other animations. Of all his recent work, his 6 minute creation "Sing my Way" stands out. Here Sugimoto again combines fantastic colors, quick action, a compelling story and killer music to make a memorable and catchy little anime. At the time of writting this anime has only gained 60,000 views but I'm sure that number will quickly grow.


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