January 31, 2011
JimmyTehFreak Kareoke Superstar - Dare to be Stupid
JimmytheFreak tries his hand at singing a Weird Al Yankovic classic from the 1980's ,from the freak n nitro radio podcast of January 28th 2011.
(From Wikipedia:
Dare to Be Stupid" is an original song by "Weird Al" Yankovic. It is a musical pastiche (or "style parody") of the band Devo.
Shortly after the song was released, Yankovic received a letter from Mark Mothersbaugh congratulating him on writing "the perfect Devo song". In an interview on VH1's Behind The Music, Mothersbaugh stated in reaction to the song that: "I was in shock. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. He sort of re-sculpted that song into something else and, umm ... I hate him for it, basically."
The song was featured in The Transformers: The Movie. It was later released as a double a-side along with "The Touch" by Stan Bush.)
wheres the audio? the ad was louder
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