December 12, 2010

The stuff that gets caught in a Spam Filter...

Nitro here,

So,while checking out the inbox at our Email address ( came across an interesting e-mail, I will post it below in hopes that you all will get the same chuckle as I got.

(ahem...) oh, and please note I DID NOT spell check the email before posting, this is the raw deal!

Please Reply Urgent.

Dear Friend,

I am IBRAHIM DANJUMA, the Head of file Department in BANK OF AFRICA
(B.O.A).I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and
confident that i am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our
both families.I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of
($10.5) million U.S dollars into your account.

The money has been dormant for years in our Bank here without any body coming for it. I want to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer(the owner of the account)who died a long with his supposed next of kin in an air crash few years ago.I don't want the money to go into our Bank treasury account as unclaimed fund.

So this is the reason why i contacted you, so that we will
release the money to you as the nearest person to the deceased customer.
Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret or delete it
if you are not interested.Upon receipt of your reply,I will send you full
details on how the business will be executed and a text of application which
you will fill and send to the bank for the release of the money to your

Also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned sum, if you
agree to transact the business with me while 60% will be for me.I will not
fail to bring to your notice that risk is free in this transaction and that
you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have
been made for the transfer.Please don't forget to reply with your contact
information like-

(3)Marital Status,
(4)Cell Phone Number,
(5)Your Country,
(6)Your Occupation,
(9)Your ID Card
(10)Photo Or International Passport Photo
(11)Private E-mail
for full trust.

Looking forward to receive your information's if you are intrested.

Yours faithful,

it makes the e-mail a lot more funnier if you imagine a comedic actor or a famous person reading it to you. I pictured Joel Heyman (the voice of Caboose on the popular web series Red vs. Blue) reading this too me, because of certain words such as "information's" and "intrested". So, either is about to receive a huge production budget increase (doubtful) or the spam filter is doing its job (most likely) .

Anyways, use this rambeling post as a reminder, email us at , tell us what you wanna see and we have a couple of questions that we seek your feedback for!

1.) What should Kellen Nitro do with that weird I.C.P T Shirt he got from the U.S.A? and....
2.) What console should Jimmy teh Freak get? Microsoft Kinect or Nintendo Wii?

again, I'll shut up now let you get back to our awesome videos on our site. New content coming this week, and, its almost Christmas Holiday Happy Times! so festive themed stuff coming too!

told you Caboose makes everything better... ;p



Ed said...

I get those a lot on my penpal site I'm on. Seriously, it's annoying as fuck. Look up Nigeria Scam.

Kellen Nitro said...

Ah yes, the good old 419. Almost as infamous as Rule 34.

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