November 12, 2010

Freak N Nitro Radio - November 12, 2010 Edition

Streaming version is here, This week..

Kellen Nitro and JimmyTehFreak talk a lot about sports, NHL & CFL. Whats new in Video Games, and why no one should ever drink Pink Gatorade.

For you keeners who like stuff in your pockets.

Download yourself a copy above.

(Couple of editors notes, Sorry bout the audio on Nitro's end, we are taking measures to remove his muzzle. and Jimmy, in the podcast you talk about Ilya Kovalchucks struggles and how they may get better.....)

Thats not it.

Enjoy the Podcast.

(Podcast Moderator)


Adam said...

I had actually been putting off listening to the podcasts, but that was really good.
Few things: Kellen you need to mine that podcast for soundbits from Da freak he had some goldies. (Get to the Nitro! Rule 34 Jello Impression etc)
In defense of Kellen the last Return to Castle Wolfenstien had zombies.
And could you guys put up a picture of that belt your talking about? I cant really visulize it. Oh and I looked for the ducks jersey... ouch.

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