October 11, 2010

Rule 34: The Teaser Trailer

Freak here, sorry for the delays - work has been.. irritating to say the least.  But here is the teaser trailer for my new series - I was going to do an Episode 0 to explain it but frankly - it seemed boring.  So here's all the official stuff to know so that the next post I submit is episode 1.

So What is Rule 34?
--Rule 34 is the law of the internet that states "If it exists, there IS a porn of it" - it is the idea that, now that the internet is a limitless medium for us to embrace carnal interests and fetishes - simply anything and everything that can be attractive in a sexual manner - can be exploited in a sexual manner.  The idea that, since we were kids - the first cartoon character we had a crush on - can be placed in an environment where sexual appetites apply.

So.. what is the show about?
--The show reviews and takes reflects on exploitation films where some sick, twisted perv of a producer decided that thing you liked as a teen should be made into a porno.

So.. What is your role?
--My role is to look at these parodies, based on the OTHER aspects of the video - acting, music, script, and loyalty to the source material (for example.. you cant have a Tomb Raider porno that has a blonde haired blue eyed secretary and call her Lara Croft)

So.. You're reviewing porn.. will we see porn?
--No, there will be no actual sex scenes or uncensored nudity shown on the show - blip would never allow it - and frankly I choose to look at these as exploiutation parody-films as opposed to just being porn.  These are still movies, and I think a good movie, regardless if its loaded with sex, or gore, or comedy - should be commended for being a good movie no matter what the genre.

So.. what is the next episode?
--I've got two running projects right now - one on a classic TV series - and one on a Bill Murray movie - we'll see which comes up first - but with my work situation it could be a few more weeks.  No regular timetable set yet until I get my communications/work situation sorted - but freakandnitro.com has plenty of goodies to keep you occupied between episodes - and that'll help us ensure we are putting out the best quality product possible.

So enjoy the trailer and, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions - contact us at freakandnitro@live.com

Freak out!
-Jimmy TehFreak


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