October 30, 2010

New Content this week

Freak here,

Apologies for the delays once again - I'm definitely the less reliable of the duo as of late. Just wanted to fill you in on some stuff coming up.

-(EDIT - soon there will be a short videogame review of a brand new release game for PS3 and XBox360.
-By Nov 1 I will have the first episode of Rule 34 up and running (the thing is I've actually got two episodes almost ready and havent figured out which one to polish and toss up there) - I'm most excited about this because I've gotten a lot of interest in regards to just how much I can get away with in terms of the censors - and whether I can find enough content to sustain a series at all (oh I can)
-In the next couple weeks there are plans for a new podcast/vlog to come out - whether it becomes a regular thing will depend on the interest and viewership - the thing with trying to keep a general audience is that we have to spread our interests thin and try to have a little that appeals to the many - whereas if we had a niche we'd have a lot but only for a few people.

Let us know what type of content you'd like to see on our site - as I'm a video game guru and movie buff, Kellen Nitro is a hockey nut and Formula 1 fiend, and we both have specialties when it comes to Hockey and Pro Wrestling - we'd like to know where your interests lie. So our question of the week for the fans and viewers of freakandnitro.com is:

What type of content do you want us to discuss and review?

Let us know by posting a comment here - on our respective facebooks - or by email at Freakandnitro@live.com

Also - if you have an interest in either writing a blog or posting videos with your opinions on music, movies, tv series, games, etc. drop us a line - we are avidly looking for canadian content - especially if you have experience with MMO's, new music releases, or just happen to be a regular otaku - we'd love to see your work.

Freak out.

REASON FOR EDIT - Freak and Nitro partied alittle too hardy.. i swear i'll make it up to you guys)


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